work and life

The Importance of Work-Life Balance & How Employers Can Enhance it

28 December 2023

A healthy work-life balance is essential for employees’ physical and mental wellbeing. Hybrid and remote working is becoming the norm, and employees spend more time at their home office than ever before. The boundaries between work and life are blurring. This blog will address the importance of work-life balance and explore how HR can help their employees achieve and enhance it.

We first published this blog in February 2023, focusing on how, with the increase of hybrid working, HR professionals must ensure employees understand the importance of work-life balance. It's been almost a year since we published the original version, and 78% of hybrid workers now claim they have an improved work-life balance (Standout CV).


We’re changing the narrative from how HR professionals must safeguard and promote the importance of work-life balance to how they can further enhance it with employee benefits, making life at work and home more enjoyable.


What are the employer and employee benefits of work-life balance?

Why are we discussing the importance of work-life balance? Because it matters.


Employees with a good balance between home and work are…


  • More efficient, productive, and motivated. 

  • Healthier, with lower rates of absenteeism. 

  • Less stressed. 

  • More creative, inspired, and better problem-solvers. 


The hybrid environment today

One in four employees work in a hybrid model, and 40% of employers offer hybrid working (Standout CV). Hybrid working isn’t going anywhere, so with more people working from home more often, the role hybrid working plays in a healthy work-life balance is more valid than ever.


Hybrid working has become the norm, with 54% of UK employees planning to split their time evenly between the office and home (Poly), yet hybrid and remote working is still making headlines.


Some UK employers have pushed for their workforce to return to the office, and we can empathise with their view. Office space costs money to keep and maintain, and when it's standing empty, it feels like cash going down the drain. Others question how productive employees are when working from home, even when several studies suggest people get more done when not in the office.


What about the disadvantages of merging office and home life?

58% of employees believe that the increase in remote working has meant they cannot relax or switch off from work (Poly). 


With the desk just a room away, some employees struggle to detach from work mode when their contracted hours are over. The risk is that employees work longer hours than required, negatively impacting their wellbeing.


HR professionals and managers have a part to play here, empowering employees with the confidence to set boundaries. Educating employees on the importance of work-life balance and self-care is essential. Practice what you preach, and your people will mirror your behaviour and reap the benefits.


Workplace relationships and social connections

Only 10% of hybrid workers want to return to a fully remote work model (Standout CV). 


Employees enjoy spending some time in the office. There is a social element to working, and it’s where many relationships blossom. With most of the UK now working at home for at least part of the week, it's vital to help your teams create social connections with their colleagues. 


Businesses will undoubtedly have policies on fair usage of chat facilities, but it’s essential that whatever tool you use for messaging allows for social interaction. Create channels specifically for non-work-related chats, encourage teams to have a weekly quiz, and make plans for the next social event.


It's not just how employees communicate when working remotely that matters. Ensure they plan their time in the office so that team members come in on the same day. Have them organise their schedule, too. There’s no point in a whole team being in the same building if they’re going to spend the day in calls and meetings with others.


Pluxee Burnout Guide


The role of employee benefits in solidifying the importance of work-life balance

We’ve established the importance of a work-life balance and HR's role in enhancing it. Now, we’ll explore how employee benefits can bring more joy to your employee’s lives, in and out of work.


Balanced mind… balanced life

Mental health is a pivotal part of the conversation about the importance of work-life balance. Work-related stress, anxiety, or depression accounted for 55% of all working days lost due to ill health in 2021, and poor mental health is estimated to cost UK employers £56 billion per year.


It’s impossible to achieve a work-life balance when your job negatively impacts your mental health. Regardless of whether work is the cause of mental ill-health or not, employee benefits that support mental wellbeing yield a return.


Every £1 spent on employee benefits that enhance mental health = an average of £5 return (Deloitte)!


Our Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is a mental-health-enhancing employee benefit that helps your people and business thrive. With tools to support employees in managing their daily lives, tracking their emotions and continuing to communicate the importance of work-life balance, it's a must-have for any wellbeing-focussed employer.


With access to BACP-accredited counsellors 24/7, 365 days a year, EAP is one of the most sought-after employee benefits that ensures your people always have somewhere to turn whenever they need it.


Rest, play, work, exercise!

You understand the importance of work-life balance, but your employees may need help creating a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Employee benefits can help with this, too!


There are many physical wellbeing employee benefits available, but our Gym & Fitness Discounts give your employees access to savings with over 3,000 gyms, studios, fitness centres, boot camps and sports clubs across the UK and the Republic of Ireland, as well as a vast range of digital fitness providers!


Employee benefits that enhance physical health should meet the varied needs of your entire workforce. Our Gym and Fitness Discounts cater to all interests, regardless of age, ability, time restrictions and location.


Live and breathe the messaging and promote the importance of work-life balance every day with Pluxee UK!

From HR practices and policies to offering employee benefits that make life more joyful, cementing the importance of work-life balance is essential for creating a happy and healthy workforce.


We’ve created resources to help you spread the message, which you can read here. Download our free guides and request a call when you’re ready to discuss how Pluxee UK can provide the best mix of employee benefits to enhance the wellbeing of your people. 






Fast Company

Standout CV
